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Maybelline Unstoppable vs NYX Doll Eye Mascara

This might not be a pretty even comparison between the 2 since Doll Eye got fibers on it. But the Doll Eye Mascara is what im currently using now,so i decided to do a review on it too on a single post. & anyway, based on the description of Unstoppable, it lengthens up to 50% so i guess in a way its ok.

Unstoppable is the first mascara that i've tried among the 3 that i got. I just choose one randomly. XD

Ok, based on MUA, just 49% of the total people who have used it will most likely buy this. Which means that it got different effects on everybody. As what i said before, mascara is one product that i consider as a hit or miss. Its either you love it or you don't. I'll tell you if i like this or not later on.

While on the other hand, Nyx Doll Eye Mascara have a good rating on MUA. Among the 97 ladies who have tried it, 85% will most likely buy this again. Hmmmm.....pretty high,right? Looks like promising,huh? It got fibers on it so it really will help lengthen the lashes.Judging on the wands, the Unstoppable is pretty much like how any normal, ordinary mascara is. Whereas the Doll Eye's wand shape is a little bit curved. It's thinner at the middle, whereas to ordinary mascara it would be fatter at the middle.Now that we get that over with,let's go to the formula.

So,let's start the show...just click the image for larger view

These are my bare eyes, Actually i already curled it, but since i have such short lashes so you wouldn't even know if its curled or not XD . I have uneven eyes. One is double lidded & the other is almost a monolid. Which makes it a bit hard for me to do my eye makeup. I was thinking of using eyelid tape/glue to even it out but i always forgot to. Anyhow, im still able to do make up look so it doesn't matter. ill just do that if i have the time. But for this picture, for some reason i have even eyes..yay!

Anyway, on with the show....

First Coat:
ill just provide one pic of the first coat since i myself didn't notice any big difference at all except that with NYX, my lashes was longer (because of the fiber too i guess).

Second coat:

Im not yet done...i actually did a 3rd coat:

You be the judge of it. I'll let you decide which one is better.

In terms of removing it. Both are pretty easy to remove, I just need one cotton pad for each eye. No need to rub hard since its not a waterproof mascara...

What's good about them is that both doesn't smudge, but they flake a bit. Unstoppable already had flaked after a couple of minutes, whereas Doll Eye just flaked after a couple of hours...that is after i played badminton. Yes, i played badminton with mascara on. I put it on a test. & im quite happy that they didn't smudge. So, yay for that!

Since im leaving the last say to you, let me hear it on the comments,ladies!

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