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what irritates you Monday

"What irritates you Monday" is a meme brought to us by Delores from The Feathered Nest. 

This week's irritation is something I see in newspapers, magazines and all over the internet.

Could of.

Would of.

Should of.

This is WRONG!!

The original is Could have, Would have, Should have , 

abbreviated to Could've, Would've, Should've,

all of which sound like Could of etc, so this is where the confusion has come about and now people are writing it this way.

But it's WRONG!!
wrong, wrong, wrong

And it irritates me. A lot.
Could HAVE
Would HAVE 
Should HAVE

(coulda, woulda, shoulda)

I know people won't pay attention to this and will continue to write the wrong word.

But at least I've voiced my irritation, and if just one or two people start correcting themselves, maybe it will catch on. 

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