This month's Game Trade Magazine is just chock full of new board and card games, too many to experiment with . Perhaps all the GenCon releases hit the distribution channels, but it's a lot of product to judge and order.
Must -Have Want List
Osprey Publishing
Nile River Gunboats 1882-1918 .................................................................................. $18.00
(OSP NVG239)
Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Osprey Publishing
Rogue Stars: Skirmish Wargaming in a Science Fiction Underworld ....................... $19.00
(OSP OWG017)
Imaginary Store List
AAW Games
Pathfinder: Snow White ............................................................................................... $49.99
The Army Painter
Battlefields XP: Lowland Shrubs ................................................................................. $ 5.99
Hobby Starter Assembly Kits (Metal/Resin) ................................................................. $11.99
Hobby Starter Assembly Kits (Plastic) .......................................................................... $14.99
Catalyst Game Labs
Shadowrun RPG: Shadows Down Under PB ............................................................... $12.95
Cubicle 7
D&D RPG: Adventures in Middle Earth Players Guide ............................................... PI
Days of Wonder
Ticket to Ride: Rails and Sails ....................................................................................... $79.99
Fantasy Flight Games
The End of the World RPG: Revolt of the Machines HC ............................................. $39.95
Star Wars X-Wing ARC-170 ........................................................................................ $19.95
Star Wars X-Wing Protectorate Starfighter ................................................................... $14.95
Star Wars X-Wing Shadow Caster ................................................................................. $39.95
Far Future Enterprises
Traveller RPG: Starships and Spacecraft Deck Plans ................................................... $20.00
Frog God Games
D&D RPG: Quests of Doom 2 ...................................................................................... $25.00
Games Workshop
Skipping my monthly rant. After starting off with a price for 50 scatter dice, it went even further downhill. I just don't have heart.
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: #91 Journey to the Center of the Aereth .............................. $ 9.99
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: The Age of Romantic Fantasy ........................................................... $49.95
Acquire ........................................................................................................................... PI
King of Tokyo 2016 Edition ........................................................................................... $39.99
Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Deck II Box Set ......................................................................... $29.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Rivals of the Pharaoh Boosters
Mantic Games
The Walking Dead All Out War Core Set ....................................................................... $49.99
Mongoose Publishing
Traveller: Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything ................................................. $14.99
Osprey Publishing
Malaya and Singapore 1941-42: The Fall of Britain's Empire in the East ...................... $24.00
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck ............... $19.99
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Summoner Class Deck ............................................ $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Campaign Setting - Horror Realms ...................................................... $22.99
Pathfinder RPG Flip Mat Bigger Forest ........................................................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG Map Pack - Bridges ................................................................................ $14.99
Pathfinder RPG Module - Seers of the Drowned City ..................................................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG Player Companion - Blood of the Beast ................................................ $14.99
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage World RPG: Weird War I Player's Guide (HC) ................................................. $24.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I War Master's Guide (HC) ........................................ $24.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I GM Screen ................................................................ $19.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I Map Sets ............................................................... $14.99 each
Bridge/Trench or No Man's Land/Village
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Generations Elite Trainer Box
Pokémon TCG: Mythical Pokémon Victini Collection Box
Pokémon TCG: Red & Blue Pikachu Ex Collection Box
Random House
D&D Dungeonology (HC) ............................................................................................ $24.99
D&D Coloring Book: Monsters & Heroes of the Realms ............................................ $14.99
Steve Jackson Games
Munchkin: Yule Log ..................................................................................................... $19.95
Munchkin Zombies Guest Artist Edition (Greg Hyland) .............................................. $29.95
Munchkin Marvel Edition 3 - Cosmic Chaos ................................................................ $19.95
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Storm King's Thunder ............................................................................... $49.95
Magic the Gathering: Commander 2016
Magic the Gathering: Planechase Anthology ................................................................. $149.99
DC Heroclix: Batman and His Greatest Foes. ............................................................... $16.99
DC Heroclix: Harley Quinn Dice and Token Pack ........................................................ $ 9.99
DC Heroclix: Joker Dice and Token Pack ..................................................................... $ 9.99
DC Heroclix: The Joker's Wild Booster Bricks
Marvel Dice Master: Iron Man and War Machine
Marvel Dice Master: Deadpool and X-Force
TMNT Dice Master: Heroes in a Half Shell
Must -Have Want List
Osprey Publishing
Nile River Gunboats 1882-1918 .................................................................................. $18.00
(OSP NVG239)
Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Osprey Publishing
Rogue Stars: Skirmish Wargaming in a Science Fiction Underworld ....................... $19.00
(OSP OWG017)
Imaginary Store List
AAW Games
Pathfinder: Snow White ............................................................................................... $49.99
The Army Painter
Battlefields XP: Lowland Shrubs ................................................................................. $ 5.99
Hobby Starter Assembly Kits (Metal/Resin) ................................................................. $11.99
Hobby Starter Assembly Kits (Plastic) .......................................................................... $14.99
Catalyst Game Labs
Shadowrun RPG: Shadows Down Under PB ............................................................... $12.95
Cubicle 7
D&D RPG: Adventures in Middle Earth Players Guide ............................................... PI
Days of Wonder
Ticket to Ride: Rails and Sails ....................................................................................... $79.99
Fantasy Flight Games
The End of the World RPG: Revolt of the Machines HC ............................................. $39.95
Star Wars X-Wing ARC-170 ........................................................................................ $19.95
Star Wars X-Wing Protectorate Starfighter ................................................................... $14.95
Star Wars X-Wing Shadow Caster ................................................................................. $39.95
Far Future Enterprises
Traveller RPG: Starships and Spacecraft Deck Plans ................................................... $20.00
Frog God Games
D&D RPG: Quests of Doom 2 ...................................................................................... $25.00
Games Workshop
Skipping my monthly rant. After starting off with a price for 50 scatter dice, it went even further downhill. I just don't have heart.
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: #91 Journey to the Center of the Aereth .............................. $ 9.99
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: The Age of Romantic Fantasy ........................................................... $49.95
Acquire ........................................................................................................................... PI
King of Tokyo 2016 Edition ........................................................................................... $39.99
Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Deck II Box Set ......................................................................... $29.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Rivals of the Pharaoh Boosters
Mantic Games
The Walking Dead All Out War Core Set ....................................................................... $49.99
Mongoose Publishing
Traveller: Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything ................................................. $14.99
Osprey Publishing
Malaya and Singapore 1941-42: The Fall of Britain's Empire in the East ...................... $24.00
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck ............... $19.99
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Summoner Class Deck ............................................ $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Campaign Setting - Horror Realms ...................................................... $22.99
Pathfinder RPG Flip Mat Bigger Forest ........................................................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG Map Pack - Bridges ................................................................................ $14.99
Pathfinder RPG Module - Seers of the Drowned City ..................................................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG Player Companion - Blood of the Beast ................................................ $14.99
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage World RPG: Weird War I Player's Guide (HC) ................................................. $24.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I War Master's Guide (HC) ........................................ $24.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I GM Screen ................................................................ $19.99
Savage World RPG: Weird War I Map Sets ............................................................... $14.99 each
Bridge/Trench or No Man's Land/Village
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Generations Elite Trainer Box
Pokémon TCG: Mythical Pokémon Victini Collection Box
Pokémon TCG: Red & Blue Pikachu Ex Collection Box
Random House
D&D Dungeonology (HC) ............................................................................................ $24.99
D&D Coloring Book: Monsters & Heroes of the Realms ............................................ $14.99
Steve Jackson Games
Munchkin: Yule Log ..................................................................................................... $19.95
Munchkin Zombies Guest Artist Edition (Greg Hyland) .............................................. $29.95
Munchkin Marvel Edition 3 - Cosmic Chaos ................................................................ $19.95
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Storm King's Thunder ............................................................................... $49.95
Magic the Gathering: Commander 2016
Magic the Gathering: Planechase Anthology ................................................................. $149.99
DC Heroclix: Batman and His Greatest Foes. ............................................................... $16.99
DC Heroclix: Harley Quinn Dice and Token Pack ........................................................ $ 9.99
DC Heroclix: Joker Dice and Token Pack ..................................................................... $ 9.99
DC Heroclix: The Joker's Wild Booster Bricks
Marvel Dice Master: Iron Man and War Machine
Marvel Dice Master: Deadpool and X-Force
TMNT Dice Master: Heroes in a Half Shell
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