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La erotica del robot?

"Now there's more things in Tennessee
Than's dreamed of in your philosophy..."
-Lux Interior

This is what I like about the internet. While absent-mindedly clicking the "next blog>>" button I found a blog titled Fogonazos (which translates loosely as "flashes") and was greeted at the top of the page by a picture of a pert-looking gal from the 1950's hugging a robot. And the title of the post: La erotica del robot. This is precisely the kind of cultural diversity I can get behind, and it makes me wish I'd ever bothered to master another language, or even English. Fortunately, our god-kings at Google have a translation tool, and guess what? "The erotica of the robot" is pretty darn entertaining in badly-translated English:

"Just as the fetichismo of the feet exists or of lencería French, certain type of people we experienced a morbosa sensation before the vision of a robot next to a young woman. One is not about an explicit desire of sex with robots - as in the case of the fetichismo of the robot - but inexplicable a sexual fantasy, produced by the frightful presence of the robot in front of the fragile bodies of the protagonists."

Wow. I always figured that Robby the Robot got a lot of action, but did you know the Daleks have actually appeared in a porno? But wait, I got even more of an education. I clicked on that "fetichismo of the robot" link and found out, courtesy of Wikipedia, that robot fetishism is closely related to statuephilia, also known as agalmatophilia or Pygmalionism: a sexual attraction to statues or dolls...or, bringing it back to an article I posted last week, mannequins.

And I thought I knew all the paraphilias. Whew.

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