I am going to answer my question of last week first. What makes a good reader? And one answer is the time to devote yourself completely to the book. I'd forgotten how much difference it can make. A book read in a few days makes a much greater impact, I think. It's been a while since I stayed off the Internet, stayed off the computer, stayed away from work, stayed home (or at a good friend's house) and just read. I think my blood pressure dropped ten points. I vow to read more books this way.
Your second assignment, should you choose to accept it, is without looking it up, how would you define Byronic. Other than that the word refers to Lord Byron, that is.
Okay. today's question. You're home on a snowy day. ...
What would your triple feature be? All movies are available to you on snow days. Also would they be movies you had already seen or new ones?
Mine are all movies I've seen many times:
Mr. Blanding Builds His Dream House; The Graduate, Rear Window
Second group. Bringing Up Baby, North by Northwest, Pillow Talk.
Yes, I'm a lightweight. I admit it.
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