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At what point in time does the Gentle Reader say, "Yes, I will accept your apology."  At what point of time does the Gentle Reader say, "No, I will not accept your apology!  I want to wage war against you instead!"  Let's see. 
Suppose the Gentle Reader is sleeping with Lawfully Wedded Spouse.  And Gentle Reader has a tendency to talk in the sleep.  And while talking in the sleep, told the Lawfully Wedded Spouse that the Gentle Reader hates the guts of the Lawfully Wedded Spouse because the Lawfully Wedded Spouse is much too comfortable, familiar and lived in.  Somebody fresher, newer and more exciting is needed and won't perform any procedure to save the failing marriage as a result of such feelings.  Then realizing that some things should never be said to the Lawfully Wedded Spouse and the Gentle Reader still talking while sleeping mutters an apology.  Should the Lawfully Wedded Spouse say, "Yes, I will accept your apology."  Or should the Lawfully Wedded Spouse say, "No, I won't accept your apology!  I want a war!"
Suppose a bunch of Palestinians (Also called Jordanians because Jordan is supposed to be the official homeland of the Palestinians (Also called Citizens of Canaan or also called Philistines)) kidnap, beat up and kill three Jews.  Then a Palestinian who had nothing to do with the kidnapping and murder of three Jews was kidnapped and set on fire.  Then the cousin of the burned alive Palestinian who is actually a citizen of the United States of America is beaten to a pulp by Jewish Police for watching, but not participating in a riot to protest the burning alive of his innocent cousin.  Palestinians respond by firing rockets at Israel.  Israel responds by firing rockets at the West Bank of Palestine.  Toss in more homicidal riots in Palestine.  Toss in more homicidal riots in Israel.  Incriminating youtube films are freely traded on both sides of the conflict.  And apologies are muttered under threat of legal and possibly violent retaliation consequences.  Should the answer be, "Yes, I accept your apology."  Should the answer be, "No, I won't accept your apology!  I want a war!" 
What should the answer be.  Be careful with your answer.  The answer that's made could affect the lives of future generations for centuries to come.
And as I'm lost in thought about being apologetic, here are some photos of Rita Sahatçiu Ora.

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