Grape Fizz is a flecked shimmer in a purple jelly base. To show how sheer it can be and how buildable, I did one coat on my index finger up to four coats on my pinky.
The nice thing is that even at one coat, it's not streaky, so if you just wanted a wash of color and shimmer, you could wear it that way. If I wore this alone, I'd probably go for four coats to get a nice deep purple and a lot of depth to the shimmer, but I think three coats could work, too.
Of course I had to try layering this, so cleaned my nails off and picked a few base options. For comparison's sake, I just put base coat on my index finger, with three coats of Borghese Celestiale Silver on my middle finger, two coats of China Glaze First Mate on my ring, and two coats of Studio M Electronica on my pinky (same as Color Club Electronica).
I added three coats of Grape Fizz on my index finger and two coats of it over the other colors.
I felt like the shimmer got a bit lost over the silver but it really popped against the darker base colors, almost looking like mini-flakies. (Click on that last photo to see it big to really get the full effect.) Now I'm really curious to play with the other colors of Fizzes. Maybe I'll manage that over the holiday weekend, but I've already got a long list of fun I want to have, so might not get to it. If only I didn't need to sleep...
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