Today is Sunday Stamping and normally I would have a manicure to show you, but sadly I'm not in the mood. You see, I had the perfect idea in my head and it involved the plate BM-210. I can picture it now, a gold to orange to red gradient for the backdrop stamped with the leaf-like pattern from BM-210. It would have been perfect for the theme of "can't wait for fall." Sadly, it was not meant to be. The plate is nowhere to be found...
I last attempted to use it for a 4th of July manicure that didn't live up to my expectations. I changed my plan, but I'm sure the plate was hurt and decided to escape such shame. It must have fallen (or jumped) off the table and may have ended up in the trash. Maybe it escaped because it knew that I have no problem waiting for fall and I'm savoring every last bit of summer. Whatever the reason for the mysterious disappearance, I have been searching everywhere and cannot find the plate...The little monster is somewhere alone and probably scared without it's bundle...
I'm realize that most of you can't help, since 99.9% of you have not been to my house, but just in case it fell into the hands of some mean people trying to sell it, please keep an eye out for a lonely BM-210...
Until next time...
Thanks for looking!
Anutka :)
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