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Song Joong-ki - Song Hye-kyo, Divorce Adjust Formation "Marriage Breaks After 1 Year and 9 Months"

The 12th solo housekeeping (Chief Judge Jang Jin-young) of the Seoul Family Court held the Adjust date of divorce of Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo privately at 10 a.m. on the 22nd to form Adjust.As a result, the two were legally divorced.However, an official of the Seoul Family Court said, We can not disclose the details of Adjust.Divorce Adjust is a procedure in which a couple divorces after an Adjust of the court without going through a formal trial.This led to the divorce Adjust establishment in about a month after Song Joong-kis divorce Adjust application was filed on February 27, and the two became legally completely left in a year and nine months of marriage.Meanwhile, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo developed into a lover who appeared together on KBS Dawn of the Sun in 2016 and posted a marriage ceremony in October 2017.Song Joong-ki, however, received Song Hye-kyo and Divorce mediation applications at the Seoul Family Court on March 26, and said on the 27th, Both of them are hoping to finish the divorce process smoothly rather than blame each other.Song Hye-kyo also said, The reason is a difference in personality. The two sides have not overcome the difference, so they have to make this decision.

The 12th solo housekeeping (Chief Judge Jang Jin-young) of the Seoul Family Court held the Adjust date of divorce of Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo privately at 10 a.m. on the 22nd to form Adjust. As a result, the two were legally divorced.

However, an official of the Seoul Family Court said, "We can not disclose the details of Adjust."

Divorce Adjust is a procedure in which a couple divorces after an Adjust of the court without going through a formal trial.

This led to the divorce Adjust establishment in about a month after Song Joong-ki's divorce Adjust application was filed on February 27, and the two became legally completely left in a year and nine months of marriage.

Meanwhile, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo developed into a lover who appeared together on KBS 'Dawn of the Sun' in 2016 and posted a marriage ceremony in October 2017. Song Joong-ki, however, received Song Hye-kyo and Divorce mediation applications at the Seoul Family Court on March 26, and said on the 27th, "Both of them are hoping to finish the divorce process smoothly rather than blame each other."

Song Hye-kyo also said, "The reason is a difference in personality. The two sides have not overcome the difference, so they have to make this decision."

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