Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas have been living their fairytale-like life and have completed two years of Nick Jonas popping the big question. After their wedding being no less than a festival, the couple is currently in California and has recently celebrated Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ birthday. They have been sharing some of the cutest pictures and videos with each other on social media making all of us fall even more in love with them.
Sharing an adorable picture with Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra Jonas wrote, “To the greatest joy of my life. 2 years ago on this day you asked me to marry you! I may have been speechless then but I say yes every moment of everyday since. In the most unprecedented time you made this weekend so incredibly memorable. Thank you for thinking of me all the time. I am the luckiest girl in the world! I love you @nickjonas”
Take a look at the picture.
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These two are, hands down, the cutest couple in the industry and have managed to give us major couple goals in the last two years!
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